How To Create More Fulfillment Without Overworking

There are many people who until now associate busyness with productivity. However, it is not always true because being busy doesn’t always mean you are being productive. It is possible that you are busy working something that doesn’t affect your level of productivity. This may lead to over-exhausted or overworking. In severe case, it can lead to creativity loss, burnout, major stress, etc. Hence, it is important to know how to create fulfillment without overworking or ‘being busy’ all the time. 

Patient experience concept. Stethoscope and smiled faces for hospital consumer assessment.

How to be productive without sacrificing your mental or physical health

There are many ways for you to become productive and increase the sense of fulfillment without overly exhausting your own physical or mental health. The key is to restructure and organize both your personal and work life. And here are several ways to do it:

Be clear on your core values

It is essentials for you to know your values and and be clear with them. It helps a lot in preventing yourself from being consumed or swept up into unnecessary urgency on your daily events. What you hold as your values can help as your anchor or compass when you encounter difficult decision or situation. So you know how to spend your time and energy more efficiently. 

Prioritize your time and energy

When you are feeling too busy, sometimes you are doing something unimportant or something that has less impact to your goals. Hence, you keep being busy and feeling tired at the same time without resulting any significant outcomes. Hence, understand what is urgent and what is important. Sometimes you you see certain thing is on the top list of your priority but doesn’t really align with your values or goals. If this is the case, you should probably reevaluate your set of priorities. 

Make the most out of our time

Everybody has the same amount of time but not everyone can take full advantage of it. Hence, some people feel like they don’t have enough time to accomplish their everyday goals. It is important to have a mindset that you have to invest your time and how to use it to your advantage. To make it easy, view your time as currency. You only give it to things that give the greatest return. Invest your time wisely to earn the return you expected. 

Learn how to delegate

In juggling between your personal and work life, it is often that you try so hard to make both of them work even if you are burdened with so many responsibilities that are out of your own capacity as human being. Instead of saying yes to every work you try to handle, why not delegate it to the right people. If your busyness won’t improve your quality of life then there is no use to keep it. Keep in mind that unnecessary busyness can actually create more damage than improvement both to your personal and professional life. Hence, know when to take a break, set priorities, and set goals.

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