3 Things To Prepare Before Bali Scuba Diving Courses

Living on a beautiful and tropical island is the dream of many people. Being able to enjoy the sunrise and sunset is the best moment. Vacationing on the island of Bali as the best tourist destination provides many advantages. Getting underwater is an extreme experience that can open your eyes. Opening your eyes to see a world you’ve never seen before. Diving may seem very easy. There are many preparations to follow Bali scuba diving courses.

Do It Properly

Diving is not the same as swimming. Diving does not just go into the sea. Underwater environmental conditions differ from swimming pool or mainland. When deciding to dive, you must pocket a diving certificate. This is the identity card that you deserve to dive. The higher your flying hours, the higher the certificate level the more beautiful the waters you can explore.

What Happens With The Human Body When Diving?

While in the air, the warmth of a person’s body will decrease 20 times faster than when you are in the mainland. Without proper practice, you can experience hypothermia. Barotrauma is another disease that can be caused by diving. That is middle ear injury due to increased underwater pressure. Adaptation of the ear to high-pressure conditions can be done with equalizing or equilibrium.

When diving, a person may experience nitrogen narcosis. This happens because there is excess nitrogen in the body that causes a person to lose consciousness. In certain cases, narcotic nitrogen can lead to coma. This may happen to someone when diving with a depth of 10 meters.

What To Do Before Do Scuba Diving?


Bali scuba diving courses are your primary requirement for diving. Waterskill can be obtained when you are doing scuba diving training. If the basics of diving can be mastered, then you will master the dive field with ease. Waterskill base in Bali scuba diving courses is a 10 minutes training float. Swimming without a 200-meter tool should also be done as a training requirement.

Healthy Requirements

You should do a checkup stating that you meet the health requirements. Health history overall, chest X-ray, electrocardiogram (EKG), lung function, audiogram, visual acuity, complete blood test, urine test, and several other tests. You must complete the questionnaire before following the scuba diving courses at the dive center where you registered. Do not force dives if you have coronary heart disease and asthma.

Lean Your Dive Tools

Before a real dive, you must learn to know the dive equipment. For example, understand how the hose of scuba tube to breathe under the sea. The introduction of dive equipment is the key to your success or failure. Ask for details about the function and use of appropriate dive equipment.

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